Flu Season

7 Easy Ways to Build Your Immunity and Stay Healthy

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It’s flu season again, and you can’t escape it. It’s the time of year when people are sick, recovering from being sick, or planning for next year so they’ll be less likely to get sick next year. I’m here with some advice on how to make all three of those scenarios happen more often than not with just a little bit of effort every day. Here are seven easy ways you can build your immunity and stay healthy in flu season:

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

One of the best ways to build your immunity and stay healthy is by eating more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber that help your body fight off infections. The more colorful the food is, the better!

Try to eat at least 5 servings of fruits or vegetables per day (about 1 cup). This will make up about half of your recommended daily intake of nutrients like vitamin C (which helps ward off colds) or potassium (which can lower blood pressure).

When possible try to choose whole foods over processed ones such as dried fruit instead of candies made with sugar or white flour; canned beans instead of canned soups packed with sodium; fresh corn on the cob instead of frozen corn kernels packed with preservatives; tomatoes sliced into sandwiches instead of ketchup packets from fast food restaurants…

Stay hydrated

Dehydration is a major cause of illness and can lead to serious health problems. It’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you’re exercising or in a warm environment. 

To avoid dehydration, drink about eight glasses (4 cups) of water per day; if you are physically active or live in a warm climate, that number should increase even more. You can also use thirst as your guide: If your mouth is dry and sticky after exercising without drinking any water beforehand, then you need some H20!

Get some exercise.

Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your immune system during flu season. This is because it increases blood flow to the body and boosts the production of white blood cells, which fight germs. Exercise also helps you sleep better and manage stress, both of which are linked to a more robust immune system.

Additionally, regular exercise can help you feel happier and more energetic–both key ingredients in maintaining good health! It also shows that people who exercise regularly have lower rates of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer than those who don’t get enough physical activity each week. 

Plus, if you’re looking to lose weight or improve your appearance (which may make it easier for others around you to notice and appreciate all the hard work), getting active will go a long way toward achieving those goals too!

Don’t overdo it when you’re sick.

When you’re sick, rest. Don’t go to work or school (unless it’s an emergency). If you have children, don’t let them go either. A lot of people think that being around other people when they are sick helps them get better faster–and it can–but only if they don’t give their germs to others in the process!

You want to keep your immune system strong so it can fight off any infections before they get out of hand and make things worse for everyone around them.

Take a multivitamin daily.

Taking a multivitamin daily is a great way to get extra nutrients. You don’t need to take a multivitamin if you’re eating well and getting all of your vitamins from food, but it can be helpful if you’re having trouble with digestion or trying not to eat certain foods because they make you feel ill.

You should also keep in mind that taking too many supplements can actually harm your health by depleting other nutrients in the body. Talk with your doctor before taking any kind of supplement especially if there are any specific deficiencies that need treatment!

Consider supplementing with zinc.

If you’re concerned about your immunity and want to be proactive about staying healthy, consider supplementing with zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining a strong immune system. It helps your body fight off infections and can also help speed up healing time after an injury or surgery.

Zinc deficiency has been linked to weakened immunity. This means that if you’re not getting enough of this nutrient through diet alone (which may not be easy), then taking supplements could be beneficial for keeping yourself well when the weather starts turning cold or flu season arrives.

You’ll find zinc in many foods–including seafood like oysters; poultry such as chicken. Certain nuts like cashews; legumes including lentils; whole grains like oats or quinoa; beans (including soybeans); spinach…and many more!

Try a few probiotics now and then.

Probiotics are good for your digestive system, but they can also work as immunity boosters. Probiotics are live bacteria that are found naturally in some foods (like yogurt), or taken as supplements. They can help keep your gut healthy and prevent disease-causing bacteria from growing inside you.

Probiotics proved effective against diarrhea caused by antibiotics, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). They’ve also been shown to reduce the risk of developing allergies in kids because they may make it easier for babies’ immune systems to develop properly during infancy.

You can find probiotics in dairy products like yogurt or kefir; fermented foods such as sauerkraut; kimchi; miso soup; pickles made without vinegar; tempeh; natto soybeans**If you do decide to take them as supplements there’s no need to buy expensive brands: research shows that cheaper preparations work just as well!

You can make small changes to improve your immunity and avoid getting sick!

  • A healthy diet, regular exercise, and good sleep are the foundations of a strong immune system.
  • Small changes can have big impacts on your overall health and well-being. For example:
  • Don’t skip breakfast! Eating breakfast helps prevent unhealthy snacking later in the day.
  • Try to get eight hours of sleep every night because getting enough sleep has been shown to improve overall health and help fight off colds or flu viruses better than other activities like watching TV or going on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter


We hope this article has given you some ideas for how to boost your immunity and stay healthy! Remember that it’s not always about avoiding colds and flu. It can be as simple as making sure you’re eating enough fruits and vegetables every day, drinking enough water, exercising regularly, taking vitamins and supplements when necessary (and always consulting with a doctor), or even just being mindful of how much stress affects our bodies.

The key is knowing what works best for you so that when illness does strike (and it will), you’ll know exactly how to deal with it quickly in the flu season. Before it becomes something worse than an annoying cough or runny nose 🙂

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